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Global Education

A classroom facing the front.

What is this issue?

Millions of people around the world do not get to go to school and get an education. Many people who are living in areas in Asia or Africa do not have enough money to build schools for their students. The reasons why people cannot go to school are poverty, financial issues, and marginalization. Learn More About Global Education

Why is education important?

Education is important because it makes the world more advance. More people have knowledge about the science, English, or math and can improve the world. People can find more cures for diseases, improve technology, discover hidden facts about the Earth and the universe, and help the environment.

2016 Teensdream Video

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Steps That You Can Take:

  1. Spread the word on education.
  2. If possible, you can donate to organizations that build schools.
  3. Volunteer and help your community.
  4. Anything else that can help more people have the opportunity to have a good education. Even the smallest acts can make a big difference.